The club will be named ‘Poulaphouca Pitch and Putt Club’. The rules in this document are for its members and will be in immediate effect upon adoption by AGM.

  1. In these rules, 'the Club’ means Poulaphouca Pitch and Putt Club.

  2. The Club's purpose is to encourage and support the game of Pitch & Putt. The Club will follow the rules set by Pitch & Putt Ireland.

  3. The Club's operations and decisions will be overseen by 'The Committee.' The committee will consist of people elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club, which happens each year and follows the rules outlined in this document.

  4. 'Club Property' refers to everything the club owns, uses, rents, hires, leases, or has permission to use, like land, buildings, and furnishings.

  5. 'Bye-Law' is a rule made by the Committee, and it can't break the club's main rules. Bye-Laws stay in place unless changed or removed at an AGM.

  6. 'Club Policy' is a principle of action decided by the Committee. Club Policies also stay in place unless changed or removed at an AGM.

  7. 'Club Procedure' means the official process the committee or club uses to enforce Club Policies.

  8. ‘Meetings’ include Annual General Meeting, Special General Meeting, Committee Meeting and Sub Committee meetings.

  9. 'Standing Orders' are the established rules governing the agenda and procedures of all meetings within the club.

  10. ‘Honorary’ refers to a position held which is unpaid. 

  11. 'Club Year' starts on March 1st and ends on the last day of February. Membership fees open in January and are due on March 1st.

  12. 'Juveniles' are members under 18 years old (between 10 and 18). They have limited privileges and can't vote at General Meetings.


  1. The Committee shall consist of the following:

    • Chairperson: The chair of the committee responsible for overseeing meetings, setting agendas, and providing overall guidance and direction of the club.

    • Vice-Chairperson: Assists the Chairman in their duties and may assume the Chairman's responsibilities in their absence.

    • Honorary Secretary: Responsible for documenting meeting minutes, maintaining records, and handling administrative tasks such as correspondence and communication. Handles external communication, publicity, and promotion of the committee and club activities.

    • Honorary Treasurer: Manages the financial affairs of the committee, including budgeting, financial reporting, and account management. Also will maintain membership records, including registration, renewals, and member contact information.

    • Captain: The Captain role varies but centers on promoting the club, player development, handicap management and creating a positive club experience. The Captain would be responsible for presenting major competitions prizes like the Scratch Cup, Club Open etc.

    • Vice Captain: The Vice Captain role varies but centers on supporting the Captain and promoting the club, player development, handicap management and creating a positive club experience. The Vice Captain may deputise on behalf of the club Captain if they are absent.

    • Competition Secretary: Manages and organizes club competitions, ensuring they run smoothly and according to the committee's guidelines, including registration for county and national competitions.

    • Course Maintenance Officer: Manages the maintenance of the course (green cutting, fairway cutting, general works on the course etc) and liaising with members and non members involved in the upkeep of the course. Chairs the Course Maintenance Sub-Committee.

    • Childrens Officer: Focuses on matters related to Juvenile members, such as youth programs, safety, and well-being.

    • 2 Ordinary Officers: Regular committee members who assist in various tasks and decisions.

  2. The Committee shall meet at least once a month during the playing season or as often if needed to facilitate management and operation of the Club. During these meetings, at least 5 Officers must be present in order for decisions to be passed.

  3. The Committee shall manage and oversee any and all sub committees necessary to run the club. 

  4. The Treasurer will maintain financial records and books to track the Club's money transactions. The Treasurer will provide these records to the Audit Sub Committee each year and then present them at the Annual General Meeting.

  5. The Course Maintenance Secretary will maintain a roster and weekly/monthly list of jobs to be done across the course. The CMS can at their discretion hold ad hoc subcommittee meetings where it's necessary to do so.

  6. Before being eligible for election to the Committee of the Club, Members must be 18 (eighteen) years of age, and in addition, have had a full year’s membership.

  7. All Committee members must submit themselves for Garda Vetting in line with the Sport Ireland Ethics.


  1. The Committee will abide by and uphold the Club Constitution, its Policies, Procedures and Bye-Laws at all times.

  2. The Committee will abide by and follow the ‘Standing Orders’ for all Club meetings.

  3. The Committee shall have the authority to fill, by co-option, vacancies not filled at the AGM or created by resignation or removal of members. It shall also have the authority to make, alter or rescind Bye-Laws and shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of these rules and of any Bye-Laws or regulations.

  4. The committee shall have the authority to appoint Sub-Committees, and to define the scope of their authority and duties.

  5. The Committee may take actions and make decisions they believe are necessary to effectively run the Club.

  6. The club will adopt a strict Code of Ethics and follow all guidance from the County Board and PPI in relation to Sporting, Committee and Member misconduct.

  7. The Committee shall have the authority to expel or suspend members for serious misconduct or breach of the rules, subject to the right of appeal. The Committee shall have powers to lift suspensions and to reinstate any person or persons previously expelled from the Club.


  1. The club shall consist of Ordinary Members, Honorary Members and Juvenile Members with rights and privileges hereinafter defined.

  2. Ordinary members shall be members, Ladies and Gentlemen who have been accepted by the Committee and who have paid their membership fees within the time specified by the Committee of the time being.

  3. The Club shall affiliate to the governing body of Pitch & Putt in Ireland (PPI).

  4. Not more than 2 Honorary patrons may be elected and shall be deemed honorary members by Motion passed two thirds majority at the Annual General Meeting. Persons who have given outstanding service to the Club and/or a game of Pitch and Putt may also be elected honorary members by similar Motion. The Captain, Vice Captain, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Chairperson shall be regarded as Honorary members for the duration of their term of office.

  5. No person shall be considered a member until their annual membership fees have been paid. By such payment a member submits themselves to the rules and regulations of the Club and the PPI.

  6. A member wishing to resign from the Committee shall inform the Honorary Secretary in writing and handover any and all documents pertaining to their role and any club property provided to them.

  7. A member wishing to deregister from the Club shall inform the Honorary Secretary in writing who will in turn inform the County Board/PPI, whichever is responsible.


  1. The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held no later than the end of January each year. The business of the Meeting shall be to receive the Committee’s Annual Report, and Financial Statement, to elect Officers of the Committee, to appoint Auditors, to revise rules and to transact any Club business setout in the agenda.

  2. Notice of Annual General Meeting will be posted in the Clubhouse, website and/or Club WhatsApp at least 21 (twenty-one) days in advance.

  3. The Chairman, or in his absence the Vice-Chairman, shall preside at the Meeting. If both are unavailable a chair will be appointed at the meeting.

  4. The quorum shall be 10 members of the club.

  5. The Rules as contained in this Constitution may be revised every 3 years only by members voting to do so at the Annual General Meeting. Any motion to amend, remove or propose rules within this constitution requires a ⅔ majority.


  6. Committee Nominations and Notice of Motions must be received by the Secretary at least 7 days prior to the AGM. Officers currently serving are eligible for re-election.

  7. A nominee must be currently registered with the club for at least 2 years unless they are already serving before the adoption of the constitution. A nominee registered less than 2 years but more than 6 months may be nominated at the AGM or co-opted but this must be ratified by special general meeting.

  8. The current Captain and Vice Captain will nominate new captains at the AGM. If either captain position is vacant, members may nominate a new captain for the vacant position.

  9. Nominations for Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer will not be accepted unless the person named has been a registered member of the club for at least 3 years.


  1. Only fully paid-up members registered with the Club can vote at the Annual General Meeting.

  2. Voting shall be by ballot and a majority of those present and voting shall decide. Nominees may participate in the vote. Voting cards will be issued to each member present at the AGM where they can vote for their preferred candidate.

  3. Members retain the right to abstain from voting. Members may not vote on behalf of another member not present. However, members may vote in advance should exceptional circumstances arise where they cannot attend to vote.

  4. The Secretary and 2 other delegated members (co-opted to facilitate the vote at the AGM) shall oversee the voting and counting of votes. The count and decision will be final.

  5. The Chairperson will declare the result. If fewer than the requisite number of persons should be nominated for election to the Committee, those nominated shall be deemed elected. Any remaining vacancies shall be filled by co-option.


  1. A Special General Meeting shall be called at the request of the Committee, or on a requisition signed by at least 10 members, stating the business to be brought forward. (The Special General Meeting shall be called within 14 days of the receipt of such requisition, and shall be fixed for a day within 28 days there from).

  2. At least 7 days' notice of every Special General Meeting of the Club shall be given to the Chairperson, and all other members of the Club, specifying the time and place of the Meeting and the business to be transacted.

  3. The quorum for a Special General Meeting shall be 10 members, and if that number be not present within one hour after the time for which it was called, the meeting shall be abandoned.

  4. No business shall be transacted at a Special General Meeting other than for which it was called.

  5. Only Members registered with the Club can vote at a Special General Meeting and any decision or proposal requires a ⅔ majority.


  1. A copy of the Club Constitution and of any Bye Laws of the Club shall be exhibited in the Clubhouse and on the Club website.


  1. A copy of Club Policies and Procedures shall be exhibited in the Clubhouse and/or on the Club website.


Juvenile Policy

Available in Clubhouse

Complaints Procedure

Available at

Garda Vetting

All Committee members must submit themselves for Garda Vetting in line with the Sport Ireland Ethics.

Clubhouse and Course Work Policies

Any works to be done on the clubhouse and course which involve areas of cash handling must be approved by the committee, in writing, before works can commence. Approval can be given via committee meeting or via electronic means (WhatsApp, Email, etc.).

Expenses Reimbursement Policy

Expenses incurred by members for works or matters relating to the club, for example but not limited to, travel expenses for county board meetings, can be claimed. Civil service rates will be used to claim expenses upon delivery of receipts/invoices to the Honorary Treasurer. Distances driven must be included to and from activity/event. Expenses should be claimed within 2 weeks of the activity/event and will be reimbursed the following month. Expenses cannot be claimed for competitions, charity events, etc.

This Constitution was ratified at the Club AGM on the of 26th of Nov 2023